Monday, January 20, 2014

Nursing Educators of the Future


Nursing Educators of the Future

     Advancement in technology will continue to change the learning environment of students in the future.  The use of podcasts, white-boards, hand-held computers, simulations and virtual realities will improve the interactive learning environment. These advancements in technology can be used to support innovative instructional strategies.


  Simulation labs will be implemented to increase the nursing students understanding of the information being presented within the classroom. The use of simulation labs allow students to practice skills on manikins, resembling clinical practices, without causing harm to real life patients. These exercises will also allow students to increase their critical thinking skills, improve clinical skills, ability to work in teams, and collaborate with other team members.
      One of the key clinical and safety skills of nursing students is develop the ability to work in teams and collaborate in patient care. The use of simulation can help to develop these skills by allowing students to work together through scenarios, complete the simulation, and participate in a debriefing section. This debriefing sessions allows for students and educators to openly communicate about the simulation including what skills were performed competently, what care should also been provided, and what was learned from the experience. Simulation allows students to develop confidence and competence to providing excellent patient care.

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