Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nursing education of the future

Dear Students,
     Nursing informatics has changed the way in which I view nursing education of the future. The possibilities are endless with the use of technological advancements of the 21st century. As an educator, it is my responsibility to keep abreast of ever changing nursing care and advancements in technology.
     The use of the latest technological advancements will provide students with a more interactive and innovative learning environment. Students will be given the opportunity to develop both confidence and competence with providing the best possible care to patients.
     Prior to nursing informatics I was unaware of the multitude of technological advancements that can enhance the learning environment. For example, the use of high tech simulation can allow students to develop their skills in a safe, controlled learning environment. It allows students to learn from mistakes without causing harm to an individual. Students are allowed to share what they have learned from these experiences during the debriefing, which also enhances the experiential learning process. As your educator it will be my responsibility to ensure the best possible educational opportunities and adapt a learning plan to meet all of your educational needs.
     As these technological advancements continue to change and grow, so will the education of nursing students of the future. Another technological advancement that continues to grow within the 21st century is the use of second life. This is a virtual world in which students can meet, interact, and provide care within a safe and controlled learning environment. Within the second life, students will be given the opportunity again to use simulation to care for patients in case studies or scenarios.  It is important as an educator to provide students with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills that will enhance and improve patient care. Students must be given opportunities to provide holistic care, meeting the physical, social and emotional needs of patients.

     As an educator of nursing students of the future, I hope to provide students with an innovative and interactive learning environment. It is my hope to provide my students with most accurate and up to date information with the use to technological advancements to ensure the best possible patient care.  Nursing is an ever changing and life long learning career. Together we will learn and go with new technological advancements and research in nursing care.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Information Literacy and Nursing education

Information Literacy and Nursing Education
     According to the American Nurses Association of Nursing Informatics scope and standards in 2008, nursing informatics is " integration of nursing science, computer and information science, and cognitive science to manage communication and expand data, information, knowledge, and wisdom of nursing practice."
     Nurses are continuously engaging with the information systems and technologies of the 21st century. These informational systems are the foundation of evidence-based practice and clinical support tools. One example is the use of electronic health records within most nursing facilities, including hospital, nursing homes, and homecare agencies. Nurses of the future must be familiar with the use of technological advancements to locate/gather information to promote adequate, accurate, and appropriate nursing care.
     Information literacy is critical for incorporating evidence based practice into nursing care of today and the future. Nurses must be competent and confident with determining what information is needed and the ability to use critical thinking and assessment skills.
    Modifier level of competencies demonstrate intermediate nursing informatics competencies. These competencies include both technical and utility competencies. Some of the technical competencies at the modifier level include: 1) applying technical support to provide evidence based practice, and 2) synthesizing data from more than one source and applies to practice. Utility competencies include: 1) understanding basic and complex concepts in computer systems and how they relate to practice, 2) coordination of information flow with multidisciplinary teams using information systems, and 3) upholding ethical standards related to data security, confidentiality, and clients right to privacy.
     Nursing informatics has helped me to develop the skills necessary to provide my students with a technologically savvy learning environment. It has allowed me to explore the many different resources available to develop a more interactive and innovative learning environment. Nursing informatics has also given me a knowledge base and experience to develop a learning plan that is student oriented. It will allow me to develop a teaching plan which integrates interactive learning assignments to help students better grasp and retain the information being presented. Students will also be given the opportunity to learn and become competent in the use of many different technological advancements of the 21st century, such as blogging, electronic charting, WIKIs, and high tech simulation. All of these can be used to increase competence and confidence of nurses of the future. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Authentic Assessments and Feed forward


Authentic Assessment and Feed Forward

      Authentic assessment is a performance- based assessment to allow students to show what they know. Students are asked to complete real world tasks that demonstrate essential knowledge and skills. Authentic classroom assessment tasks may include the use of globster, blogs, and WIKIs.  Educators may require these assignments to be completed individually or in groups. Authentic assessment is beneficial for all students, as it helps them to develop and build upon their critical thinking skills. These assignments require students to use reflection and critical thinking skills to “show what they know.” Authentic assessments that require completion in groups also help students to develop the ability to work in teams and collaborate with peers. Nursing is a career in which teamwork and collaboration is essential.
      Feed forward allows educators to provide students with suggestions and feedback to be applied going forward. It allows educators to focus on future assignments and not on the past.  Students are given feedback throughout the development of the assignment. For example, educators may have students submit portions of an assignment prior to the final submission. The educator will then give feedback on the progress of the assignment, ideas to further develop the assignment, and suggestions for successful completion of the assignment. Students may also apply this information to future research papers, WIKI assignments, blogs, etc. It allows students to learn from their mistakes and move forward.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Interdisciplinary Learning and Collaboration with Technology

Interdisciplinary Learning and Collaboration with Technology
     Advancement in technology within the 21st century has lead to a more interactive and interdisciplinary learning environments. Students are able to work within high tech simulation labs or even virtual worlds and collaborate with other members of the healthcare team. Active learning allows students to have hands on experience to develop the skills necessary to provide excellent, holistic care. Through team work, collaboration, and critical thinking an interdisciplinary team can develop a treatment plan to meet all of the needs of the patient.
     The integration of these technological advancements into nursing education will lead to a more innovative and integrated learning environment. The use of interdisciplinary simulation labs promote teamwork and collaboration between nursing students and medical students.  The interdisciplinary team is given a case study or scenario to facilitate critical thinking, decision making, and communication skills.  Working together as a team within a controlled environment allows students to develop confidence and competence to provide excellent care within other health care settings.