Monday, February 17, 2014

Information Literacy and Nursing education

Information Literacy and Nursing Education
     According to the American Nurses Association of Nursing Informatics scope and standards in 2008, nursing informatics is " integration of nursing science, computer and information science, and cognitive science to manage communication and expand data, information, knowledge, and wisdom of nursing practice."
     Nurses are continuously engaging with the information systems and technologies of the 21st century. These informational systems are the foundation of evidence-based practice and clinical support tools. One example is the use of electronic health records within most nursing facilities, including hospital, nursing homes, and homecare agencies. Nurses of the future must be familiar with the use of technological advancements to locate/gather information to promote adequate, accurate, and appropriate nursing care.
     Information literacy is critical for incorporating evidence based practice into nursing care of today and the future. Nurses must be competent and confident with determining what information is needed and the ability to use critical thinking and assessment skills.
    Modifier level of competencies demonstrate intermediate nursing informatics competencies. These competencies include both technical and utility competencies. Some of the technical competencies at the modifier level include: 1) applying technical support to provide evidence based practice, and 2) synthesizing data from more than one source and applies to practice. Utility competencies include: 1) understanding basic and complex concepts in computer systems and how they relate to practice, 2) coordination of information flow with multidisciplinary teams using information systems, and 3) upholding ethical standards related to data security, confidentiality, and clients right to privacy.
     Nursing informatics has helped me to develop the skills necessary to provide my students with a technologically savvy learning environment. It has allowed me to explore the many different resources available to develop a more interactive and innovative learning environment. Nursing informatics has also given me a knowledge base and experience to develop a learning plan that is student oriented. It will allow me to develop a teaching plan which integrates interactive learning assignments to help students better grasp and retain the information being presented. Students will also be given the opportunity to learn and become competent in the use of many different technological advancements of the 21st century, such as blogging, electronic charting, WIKIs, and high tech simulation. All of these can be used to increase competence and confidence of nurses of the future. 

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