Monday, February 10, 2014

Authentic Assessments and Feed forward


Authentic Assessment and Feed Forward

      Authentic assessment is a performance- based assessment to allow students to show what they know. Students are asked to complete real world tasks that demonstrate essential knowledge and skills. Authentic classroom assessment tasks may include the use of globster, blogs, and WIKIs.  Educators may require these assignments to be completed individually or in groups. Authentic assessment is beneficial for all students, as it helps them to develop and build upon their critical thinking skills. These assignments require students to use reflection and critical thinking skills to “show what they know.” Authentic assessments that require completion in groups also help students to develop the ability to work in teams and collaborate with peers. Nursing is a career in which teamwork and collaboration is essential.
      Feed forward allows educators to provide students with suggestions and feedback to be applied going forward. It allows educators to focus on future assignments and not on the past.  Students are given feedback throughout the development of the assignment. For example, educators may have students submit portions of an assignment prior to the final submission. The educator will then give feedback on the progress of the assignment, ideas to further develop the assignment, and suggestions for successful completion of the assignment. Students may also apply this information to future research papers, WIKI assignments, blogs, etc. It allows students to learn from their mistakes and move forward.

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